Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fujoshi Baton

So I have been tagged! FFF, I'm not sure I can really be doing this sense I'm not exactly a fujoshi? Is there a male version? (I suppose I'd be that. A fudanshi? Oh yes, I truly am a rotten boy, hah!) Either way! I shall do it, lol. Thanks for the tag Fuuko! ;D


(When did you become an otaku (non-yaoi) and a Fujoshi (yaoi)? Answer each respectively.)

Let's see now~ to start from the beginning, my neighbor and childhood friend was a crazy fan of sailor moon and DBZ so that was how I first encountered anime and manga. It wasn't until years later in my first year of middle school after getting out of a troublesome situation that I stumbled upon a manga with a similar plot to what I'd gone through. It charmed me and I have been addicted ever since. A year after that when downloading manga off of Storm in Heaven I opened a file and began reading only to find it was BL. It was a bit shocking but oddly comforting as well.

(What was the first series you liked slash for? Please tell the couple.)

I think it was Gundam SEED with Athrun x Kira and a few other characters I've long forgotten.

(What was your first actual BL series?)

I can't recall. The first to make an impression on me however was Loveholic.

(What is the first BL game you played?)

It was suppose to be Togainu no Chi but no matter how many times I downloaded it, it would not work. So! I was stuck with Silver Chaos which disappointed me somehow.

(What’s the first BL drama CD you bought?)

I've never actually bought one and can't exactly remember which was the first I even listened to but I'd guess that it was most likely an older Yamane Ayano work.

(When was your first doujin event debut?)

Well, I don't believe we have any of those in America, sadly. But even if we did I don't think I'd be very interested.

(Do you have a doujin site?*)

No. I haven't the confidence in my art and I've been suffering from writers block for awhile now, lol.


(Concerning the ‘seme’: Assign them to your preferences.
[◎=Something I love!、○=Like relatively well、△=Don’t like very much、×= give me a break!])

オヤジ (older men) → ○
ショタ (shota) → △
鬼畜 (brutish) → ×
強引 (pushy) → ○
へたれ (pitiful) → ○
ワンコ (devoted) → ○
ワイルド (wild) → ○
ツンデレ (tsundere) → ○
不器用 (awkward) → ○
メガネ (glasses) → ○

I've never not been a top myself so I don't really prefer anything particular in a seme. I just don't like to see some stupid brute pushing himself onto another guy and practically raping him only to win the love of his victim by the end of the manga. It's ridiculous.


(Concerning the ‘uke’: Assign them to your preferences.
[◎=Something I love!、○=Like relatively well、△=Don’t like very much、×=give me a break!]

オヤジ (older men) → ◎
ショタ (shota) → △
女王様 (queen-type) → ×
誘い受 (‘inviting’ type) → ○
襲い受 (‘top’ type) → ◎
ワンコ (devoted) → ◎
ワイルド (wild) → ○
ツンデレ (tsundere) → ◎
けなげ (pure) → ○
メガネ (glasses) → ◎


(Concerning the writing style and situation: Assign them to your preferences.
[◎=Something I love!、○=Like relatively well、△=Don’t like very much、×=give me a break!]

アホアホ (idiots) → △
ダーク (dark) → ○
リーマンもの (salary men) → ◎
学園もの (school setting) → ○
幼馴染み (childhood friends) → ○
主従もの (master/servant) → ○
時代物 (period drama) → ◎
ファンタジー (fantasy) → ○
総ホモ (100% homo) → ◎
複数プレイ (threesome, etc.) → ○
リバ (role reversal) → ○
下克上 (‘subordinate overtaking superior’) → ◎
女体化 (feminization) → ×
方言 (dialect) → ◎
年の差 (large age difference) → ○


(Please tell us the hottest coupling setup, in your opinion!
i.e. no-good type x queen, superior x subordinate, etc.)

Superior x Subordinate, Salary man x Salary man, Oyaji x 20y-Same age, Devoted x Yandere

(Please give a type that isn’t in the above list that makes you excited or dissatisfied!)

Policeman x criminal. I enjoy watching the chase and dynamic, lol. Yakuza type is ok too. However, I don't like queens.


(Do you currently have any authors that you seek out to buy? (As many people as you want!))

Lol, seems I've similar taste to Fuuko! I also look for Aniya Yuiji, Ootsuki Miu, Kumota Haruko, Kobato Mebaru and Ogura Muku, Kawai Hideki. My favorites though are; Kusama Sakae, Jaryuu Dokuro, Suzuki Tsuta, Tojitsuki Hajime, Yoneda Kou, Matsuo Marta, Moto Haruko, Nakamura Asumiko, Est Em, Basso, Kunieda Saika, Nishida Higashi, Hidaka Shoko, etc. etc. etc. (Lol didn't see that last part.) My list is also a bit too long? (lol.)

(Around how many of the BL monthly magazines do you buy?)

Sadly, not many. It all depends on when I go to San Fran (Kinokuniya) and how much I've to spend at that time. I'm too cheap as to pay the ridiculously high shipping fees.

(Around how many BL comics do you buy each month?)

Same as the above. When I get the chance, though, I usually buy about $100's worth. (At prices ranging from $5-$13.)


(Currently, what’s the ‘in’ genre (or work)?
Please talk about your thoughts on this trend.)

I haven't the slightest clue about trends, but Fuuko said the busukawa type is in, which I quite dislike. But she also mentioned that manga that portrays the lives and romance of gay men more realistically is in. I can't help but love that. I've sort of noticed it myself but wasn't aware that it was catching. I'm glad though. Being a gay man and a fan of BL manga, I've always been rather bothered by the ridiculously unrealistic mangas out there, lol.

【In Closing】

(Please name five people you’ll pass the baton to.)

Aah, I don't know many fujoshi! D; So I can only say, if you wish to do this please do. I happily pass you the baton! (Was it Jiji that wants to become a yaoi mangaka? If so; I tag you and Camy!)


  1. A fudanshi is fine too haha. Thank you for doing this; I enjoyed reading your answers! :>

  2. Lol, what a relief. & Thank you for tagging me. ;D
